Hi Tom,
my current keyboard is MK710 and together with the Logitech SetPoint software, it seems that the player does not work. I see that it supports the standard Virtual keys but I fear that the Logitech SetPoint for some reasons overrides ( or discards them ).
Trying to set the multimedia keys in the Hotkeys panel in Preference anyway, brings nothing. If I press any other key ( ESC or a letter, with Ctrl, Alt, etc. ) then it works fine.
Unfortunately I had the same issue with Google Chrome. I had to manually add those lines in the players.ini file. I'll see if I can find the right values to make it work with Resonic too
I love this player!
Best regards,
//EDIT: I think I figured out a possible configuration, but this works only if you bind the basic multimedia commands already as hotkeys to work. I think at the current status they are not set as "Global by default" but you have to manually set them. If you do such a thing inside your code, then inside players.ini you just need to add this:
Code: Select all
//EDIT2: NEVERMIND! I've found a solution!
I'll create a Gist on Github for an easy Google research, but long story short, if you want Resonic to be compatible with Logitech SetPoint, add this inside your
Code: Select all
Works out of the box