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How to Get the Cursor to Behave as Shown in the GIF on the Website ?

Posted: July 21st, 2020, 10:55
by spacev2

On the website at , under the heading "Selections, Loops, Cues, Rulers" show a gif with the cursor that is seemingly snapping to zero crossings or transients.
selections.gif (80.25 KiB) Viewed 12105 times
How do I get the cursor to behave like this ?

It would be nice to have a more fleshed out user manual in .pdf format sometime into the future.


Posted: July 22nd, 2020, 01:48
by Tom
What you see there, the wispy vertical lines, is transient information loaded from files that contain it, which includes ReCycle files (.rex .rx2 .rcy), Apple Loops (.aif .aiff), and ACID Waves (.wav).

Note that Apple Loops need to be marked as such (e.g. in sample packs), just regular AIFF or WAV files don't normally contain transients. If they are present they are displayed and can be used for snapping.

Resonic currently does not generate transients on its own.

Posted: July 22nd, 2020, 07:22
by spacev2
Thanks for the information.

This is similar to how I envision the cursor behavior for "Snapping to Zero Crossings" as I have mentioned in the suggestions sub forum as a feature request, where the cursor will only be responsive on zero crossing points in the waveform and ignore anything that is not.
