Media Keys/hotkeys not working [Fixed]

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My fingers are bleeding
Posts: 4
Joined: November 1st, 2018, 07:19
First Name: Luke

Media Keys/hotkeys not working [Fixed]

So I'm having a bit of a weird issue. I can't set hotkeys at all. I had a really old version of Resonic Pro(like months upon months old). Finally uninstalled it and reinstalled the newest Pro version to see what goodies have been added! But now my keyboard(Logitech G710+) media keys aren't working for Resonic, but i know it's not the keyboard because they work for browser players and other media players I use. I can't even set them as global hotkeys in Resonic because Resonic won't take or detect the input...but then I tried to make any other key a hotkey(letters, numbers, anything) and Resonic just isn't allowing me to set hotkeys. Only key input it seems to accept is my volume wheel on my keyboard. Not really sure where to begin and having hotkeys for Resonic is one of the main things I love having so many specific bindings available in this program! Hopefully it's an easy fix! I can provide screenshots if needed. Just need to know what I should share to be of the most help!

My fingers are bleeding
Posts: 4
Joined: November 1st, 2018, 07:19
First Name: Luke

Re: Media Keys/hotkeys not working

Attaching a picture of what I see when I open the preferences for hotkeys. Not sure if it's supposed to be like this. This is on the Player Beta, but I also have the Pro beta. Only looks like this on the Player, but I have the same issue with the media keys on both. Just seemed weird to see "<transportPlay>" whereas in the Pro beta it just shows "Play". Not sure if that's tied at all to my issue, but I didn't have that in previous versions so i figured I'd attach a screenshot. Still very lost on what is causing Resonic to not allow/detect my input for hotkeys.
whatisee.PNG (19.78 KiB) Viewed 11614 times

Liqube Audio
Liqube Audio
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Re: Media Keys/hotkeys not working

Something clearly went at least three kinds of sideways there when introducing the new localization code. At least this is only a visual issue. Thanks for pointing this out. On it, and will be fixed in 0.9.2.
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