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Bug when seeking long files

Posted: January 15th, 2018, 21:01
by Slax
Hello, I've been using resonic for quite a while and I'm very happy with it. Despite the fact that I usually use it with samples and short files, I find myself using it for listening to long recordings too (with long i mean they can vary from 1 to 5 hours).

With these long files, if I let the player play from the beginning to the end only using the pause/play button everything works fine. But if I try to manually seek through the recording, after a certain timestamp the seekbar automatically bounces back to the beginning.

Here's a gif I made that shows what I mean:

Also it's worth mentioning that the audio is not influenced by the visual bug: for example if I try to play at 3:30:00, the seekbar gets teleported to the beginning (let's say at 0:15:00), but the audio that gets played is actually from 3:30:00 and keeps playing from there.

Thanks in advance

Re: Bug when seeking long files

Posted: January 15th, 2018, 21:24
by Tom
Hey there and welcome here!

It would help to know a little more about the file you are trying to play: What file format is it? What is the file size (above 2GB?) In case of WAV, is it a Broadcast Wave (BWAV, BWF) file?

Cheers, Tom

Re: Bug when seeking long files

Posted: January 15th, 2018, 22:06
by Slax
Hey, thanks for the answer

The file is .aac 44kHz, 16bit, 32kbps, mono channel; filesize for 4 hours is around 60 MB.

Also I checked other long aac files and it seems that 3 hours and 23 minutes is the switching point.
Unluckily I don't have such long files in other formats so I couldn't test that aside of .aac

Re: Bug when seeking long files

Posted: January 16th, 2018, 04:14
by Tom
Ah yeah, I could reproduce this issue with a very long .aac file (~5h30m), which does not happen when the raw aac stream is inside an .mp4 container, or with .mp3. It wrap at around 3h23m. I'll see what can be done about this.

Re: Bug when seeking long files

Posted: January 16th, 2018, 23:34
by Tom
Good news: 0.9.1 will come with a fix for this issue. Only .aac files were affected.

Re: Bug when seeking long files

Posted: January 24th, 2018, 22:15
by Slax
Great, thanks a lot! :D