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Rename Shuffle to Random [Done]

Posted: January 29th, 2013, 22:13
by Andreasvb
Shuffle isn't shuffle, rename to Random.
Don't change the function, rather consider make both an option.

Re: Rename Shuffle to Random

Posted: January 29th, 2013, 22:20
by Tom
That's a good point, since I didn't get round to writing good shuffle code yet.

Good shuffle should play the whole list once (unless on repeat), shouldn't play duplicate entries, and the back/next buttons should work in shuffled order as long as the shuffle button isn't depressed/pressed again.

Re: Rename Shuffle to Random

Posted: January 29th, 2013, 22:25
by Andreasvb
Correct, and in that case I would like to request a Random-function as well, I never use shuffle myself. :geek: