When right clicking the "Targets" tab element (individual targets seem overkill for this feature):
- r-click tab -> "Target Size ->" Choose the target height. default, small, narrow (1 text line)
This lets us fit way more targets into our workspace, if we feel like sacrificing a little "mouse accuracy".This would also set the size preference of that particular Target Group. ...What's a Target Group?
- r-click tab -> "Edit Target Groups..." Opens the tab in preferences for the new "Target Groups" configuration. Create, edit, enable and disable Target Groups using a dropdown and table UI. Target Groups can then be enabled on the Sidebar. When multiple Target Groups are enabled, only one will be shown at a time. By hovering a file to a unfocused/hidden Target Group's tab in the Sidebar, it will become the focused/active Group and enable you to drop it to a target in that group instead. Each Target Group could have it's own aforementioned Target Height setting as well.
There should also be a small "+" tab in the Target Sidebar, as a quick way to make a new Target Group or edit Target Group configuration.Target Groups along with height settings can give Resonic power users with very-organized libraries the chance to access nearly all the folders they might need when sorting through heaps of files and found sounds. With this Target panel redesign and Resonic's easy select-play-drag functions, virtually all of your sample and DJ organization can be done solely inside Resonic. No need to open six explorer windows in a grid!
I feel like the settings of each Target Group would be easy to change and keep track of from a programming standpoint, between the New Preferences Panel and the Target Group Context Menu.
Attached is a mockup of what that Preferences Panel might look like. The mockup is missing an "Enable" checkbox for each group and some fields.
This would really be my dream come true and seal the deal of this already amazing bargain of a program. Thanks for reading if you have!