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Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: March 14th, 2013, 18:11
by Martin0815
any chance to get scrobbling (Last.FM) in?
Best regards,
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: March 15th, 2013, 19:20
by Andreasvb
I've also suggested it before.
He'll will support it if there is a high demand for it.
Think it need to grow a bit in popularity, it's not that well known right now.
Seems most just use YouTube or some streaming service/program, like Spotify these days.
My main player today is foobar2000 but I really like Resonic and it may soon take over.
Building on scrobbling and submit what you listen to, I also like a script I use for foobar2000 that updates the ID3 tags with the playcount to a custom field, e.g. LASTFM_PLAYCOUNT that you then can view in a custom column. And it's stored in the file, feels more safe to have local stats as well.
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 20:38
by qinetic
Really want to see scrobbler for Resonic.
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: December 15th, 2015, 22:43
by Mute
Gonna try to revive this.
I've recently gotten really into using with Spotify for streaming music, but I wish I could scrobble with Resonic too.
It's making me rethink using Resonic as my local audio player. Please consider adding support for
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: February 1st, 2016, 05:46
by Tom
As someone who doesn't use the scrobbler at all: What's so great about it, especially these days? How does it benefit its users? Excuse the silly questions. Apparently now even Spotify can scrobble.
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: December 26th, 2016, 01:14
by quail
I just heard of Resonic and installed on my new computer running Windows 10. I don't use Spotify for anti-DRM reasons, and rely on scrobbler to track my music listening. While my usage of is much less intense than it was before CBS acquired them, my listening history on there dates back a decade and I don't wish to stop. I'm looking for a music player that can support scrobbling or else it won't work for me.
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: September 13th, 2017, 08:11
by Harry
Hey there,
here's the next one who really wishes for scrobbling feature in Resonic!
And because you asked @Tom, I think the answer mostly would be more a personal preference than a really practical use.
As someone wrote before, I use scrobbling for a while now and like it for looking into my musical past, just as the suggestions gives to me based on that - to explore new bands/artists i didn't know before. That would be the most useful/practical use for scrobbling, I think.
And because I like Resonic so much, I would like to use it as my main music (playing in background) player, too!
PS: I think that for professional use, this wouldn't be a good feature. The reason therefore should be clear.
So if you implement scrobbling, I would suggest to make a small "S" button at the bottom (like sound device, sleep mode, day/night mode) which, with one click, activates/deactivates scrobbling. So in other words you can switch with this button between "privat-listening" and "professional" -mode. And everyone should be happy!
PPS: I just saw that this topic has 2559 hits - second most on page 1 atm... so I assume there indeed are a lot of people interested in this feature! ^^
Re: Support to scrobble via Last.FM
Posted: October 14th, 2017, 01:15
by strajnic
I really like Resonic - it's fast, it's reliable, it's easy to use - only one thing is missing to become my main music player. scrobbling! Non scrobblers are asking why - we scrobblers may not know simple answer to that simple question but we know for sure that we don't ever use non scrobbling players. For me scrobbling is a must! Hope Resonic will support it. Sooner - better!