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Prevent shuffling with "previous track"

Posted: October 6th, 2016, 12:32
by Braed
I like to use shuffle since i have a lot of music, but all too often do i find myself clicking "next" multiple times to find a good track, only to accidently click one too many times. I click "previous" thinking i will get that same track i just accidentally skipped, only to get a different, shuffled song.
Perhaps a setting? Thanks!

Re: Prevent shuffling with "previous track"

Posted: October 6th, 2016, 18:16
by Tom
Yeah, this is definitely something on the priority list, i.e. play history to make the back button more functional than it is now for a start. Absolutely aware of this!

Re: Prevent shuffling with "previous track"

Posted: October 7th, 2016, 19:31
by Braed
Great! Thanks for a reply :)