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Navigation with arrow keys

Posted: August 21st, 2015, 14:57
by MrMichaelz

Just a very small improvement maybe, but it would be great if all the "deepest level" navigation could be handled by the 4 arrow keys.
Use Case: a lot of times I'm browsing Drum Samples folders, and I need to be able to switch from one folder to the next one (most of the time on the same level) and browse sound samples within these folders.
It's currently possible with up/down arrows and TAB, but it's not as quick as with the 4 arrows.

The behaviour would be:
Up/Down: current behaviour
Left/right: Toggle between Browser and File List

Added plus: that would be consistent with OSX's Finder, or Kontakt's Quick-Load Panel's behaviour.

Maybe another even simpler way would be to allow for "right arrow" to change the focus from the Browser to the File List if the current Folder is the last in the folder architecture.
What do you think?

Congratulations for your awesome work!

PS: just a small request, I don't want to open a post for this... The grey that's used to show the currently selected folder in the Browser window the the focus in on the File List is a bit too light: I sometimes have trouble figuring out where I am when I quick browse. Could you please make it just a tad darker, or use bold or...?

Re: Navigation with arrow keys

Posted: August 21st, 2015, 18:01
by Martin
MrMichaelz wrote:It's currently possible with up/down arrows and TAB, but it's not as quick as with the 4 arrows.
The left/right arrows are already used for seeking, but you can override the behavior of the up/down arrows by pressing CTRL. If the file list is focused this will select the previous/next folder and vice versa.
Alternatively, you can also press CTRL and use the mouse wheel.
Also have a look at the shortcuts page if you haven't already.

Re: Navigation with arrow keys

Posted: August 21st, 2015, 18:23
by MrMichaelz
I was not aware of the CTRL modifier, thanks for the heads up! It's a good alternative indeed.

Best regards,