I was going to suggest this as well. For the record, I'm copy/pasting my notes from my personal "Resonic Suggestions" textfile.
▷ Chromatic MIDI-triggering
There's some implementation considerations, for sure. Mainly regarding playback operation; specifically on the topics of [range], [looping] and [stopping].
The whole soundfile should be played back -or- selection (if there's any selection).
- Pref. bonus: ”Poly mode (default: false)". To be able to hear chord previews of the current sound.
Global "Loop" button should determine whether MIDI-playback is looped or not. Just a thought.
- Pref: "Stop playback on MIDI trigger release (default)". If unchecked, play soundfile as a one-shot until end.
▷ Slices MIDI-triggering
- Pref: "Choose root MIDI key for first slice (default: C-3)".
- Pref: "Play slices as one-shots (default)". Otherwise, stop playing a slice when releasing its MIDI trigger.
- Pref. bonus: ”Only play slices with white keys”.
- Pref. bonus: ”Poly slices playback mode”.
One might argue that I'm trying to propose that Resonic becomes more like a sampler, but that's not the intention. Things get complicated when implementing features like this, by nature. The direction I'm wishing for, though, is to improve Resonic as a Re-Sampler, which (in my perspective) is already the same direction it's heading, seeing that you have a Record function (which is invalueable!). Being able to trigger your soundfile in various ways with MIDI like suggested above, makes it (even more) super convenient to come up with new material!!