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2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: September 6th, 2013, 16:23
by Blackout
Hi, it would be really amazing if there was a "destination" browser on the right hand side of Resonic, just as it is on the left. Could be hidden if not required and dropped down. So you could drag and drop /Move the file in the middle of the screen being audtioned into a new folder on the right! wow!
this is not the same as dragging and dropping the title of the file in the top bar into a Windows Explorer as the screens of the two software keep "moving to front / back" and it gets very messy and clumsy with sizing and screen location and what is highlighted covering over the other window. A second browser on the right in resonic would be so much more useful and much more elegant without a workaround!
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: September 23rd, 2013, 21:12
by wshaper
Interesting feature, if it can be done without messing up the clean and streamlined GUI.
One thing that i like with CD BurnerXP is that the app can minimize into a small square where you can drop your audio files to burn your DVD.
We could imagine a feature where you could choose a folder, and then minimize it and act as a "drag/drop zone" ?
My 0.2 cents.
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: September 23rd, 2013, 22:46
by Tom
wshaper wrote:Interesting feature, if it can be done without messing up the clean and streamlined GUI.
One thing that i like with CD BurnerXP is that the app can minimize into a small square where you can drop your audio files to burn your DVD.
We could imagine a feature where you could choose a folder, and then minimize it and act as a "drag/drop zone" ?
My 0.2 cents.
That's actually quite a good idea. Wondering how to "toggle" this feature within the UI so it makes sense though. Fixed setting toggle in a configuration dialog, button toggle, ... suggestions?
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: September 23rd, 2013, 23:06
by wshaper
I don't know yet : it may depend on what the "Pro" GUI will look like (where new features will be displayed, etc).
Let's think about it !
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: September 26th, 2013, 17:06
by Tom
wshaper wrote:I don't know yet : it may depend on what the "Pro" GUI will look like (where new features will be displayed, etc).
Let's think about it !
I'll try to keep it as similar as possible, but with additional panels and controls, tool bars (maybe a second one), and a menu.
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: September 28th, 2013, 15:53
by Blackout
id say a button on the right that can just toggle open a "destination" browser that folds open to the right of what is the screen currently, in a similar position to the file browser of the left in resonic (like a mirror image on the right) so you can find your file on the left browser, audition the file in the middle of the screen with the wave file viewer, and then drag and drop it into its destination folder on the right.
and hit the "hide" button if you just want to use resonic to audition only. But sorting wav files are one of the big things that resonic is about so i would imagine this would be an important feature to implement! i hope you see the big advantages Resonic!
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: January 25th, 2014, 06:45
by Blackout
hi Tom..(bump) ...please don't forget this feature!
wshapers idea of making / minimizing a browser destination to several folder "icons" on the right hand side of Resonic is a really awesome idea too. So you could minimize a folder icon called "Kicks" and drag kicks to the icon and let go. that would really be all she needs to make Resonic the best sample manager ever!
I hope you are considering this further for the Pro release. would be a big selling point

Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: November 29th, 2014, 15:09
by Blackout
hi Tom I noticed this feature is not implemented in the latest beta I hope you have not forgotten it?
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: November 29th, 2014, 16:19
by Tom
Haven't forgotten about it, but don't hold your breath as this won't happen in the next few releases.
"Targets", however, I intend to implement in one of the first few Pro builds.
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: November 30th, 2014, 04:04
by Blackout
Hi Tom, Targets sound like a good this explained further somewhere else?
Re: 2nd Browser on the right side of the screen
Posted: February 1st, 2015, 16:33
by gogi
Hi, first of all thanks for this great utility
Total Commander is an example of a perfect two screen browser... but I guess that it's not easy to implement it like that.
Maybe something like bar (above footer) where are X buttons. Thru button you can open a destination, and then the name of folder is visible on button. Then you can drag'n'drop to button to copy file(s) or with Ctrl you can move file(s). In addition (fundamental, for me) keyboard shortcuts for copy and move to choosen paths, so it would be super fast.
Off topic: rex, rx2 format? Or it will be a Pro feature?