Filter using an "or" type search

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First Name: Angelo

Filter using an "or" type search


By default, the filter is an "and" type search. The results have to match all the filter words. AKA an exclusive search.

Is it possible to do an "or" type search in the filter box, so the result could match any of the filter words? AKA an inclusive search.

Thank You

Liqube Audio
Liqube Audio
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First Name: Tom
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Angelo, from 0.9.4 you can enjoy a completely reworked filter. The whole concept has changed and it is quite powerful now, but it stays away from using AND and OR keywords, instead it uses a +word -word system known from web search engines.

The default of the new filter is OR, but with +word +"a phrase" +'wholeword' +*.mp3 etc. you can extend it into an AND search, e.g.: kick +drum +filter -acoustic +*.wav

Details here:

Note that this is only available in pre-release builds so far. They are stable though. The official release is still at 0.9.3. I'll email you the download.
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Joined: August 18th, 2018, 23:58
First Name: Angelo

Hi Tom

I was getting a virus warning from Avast Virus during installation. And when launching 9.4. I also got a Windows error message "Windows cannot access the specified path or file. You may not have appropriate permissions.".

After uninstalling and reinstalling and answering "I trust this file" to Avast virus warning multiple times.9.4 is launching without the virus warning.

I tried the filter. It's an "or" search now. I have to study the rest of the details about the filter.

Thank You

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Posts: 15
Joined: August 18th, 2018, 23:58
First Name: Angelo

The filter is awesome! "or", "and" and "wild cards" ! Combined with subfolder search (ALT click on folder). Oh my God. This is amazing.

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