Adding a "Rating" column to file list view

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Adding a "Rating" column to file list view

I would be appreciate if there is a user customizable "Rating" column in File List View/Tab.

Than means the column cell should contain 1 up to 5 tiny star icons. When clicked users could click e.g.the foruth star
to assign and indicate that is a good but not topmost song.
See AIMP player for sample implementation

Can Resonic add this feature (too)?

Thank you

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Having a custom tagging database along with star ratings would be amazing. Something similar to ADSR sample manager except obviously more extensive.


Having favorites <3 . ADSR allows custom tags but also comes preloaded with tags that are automatically assigned to samples. For example if kick exists in the name then it gets tagged as a kick.

I think Resonic is working on something similar but I'm not sure exactly what is planned or what features it will have.

Liqube Audio
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The rating column exists already, but is only read only so far. It can read various types of rating metas though and unify them into one common display of 5 stars.

The string matching in ADSR and other applications is very crude. We have developed an extensive mechanism to do the same, but using millions of potential words with pattern matching. A note about it here:

Test builds (on our Slack, see contact page) already display these tags and they are currently being evaluated by some of our users. You can expect to see this feature to move into regular builds in the upcoming versions.
Join our Discord for chat and talk (not just Resonic related) and beta testing; or the Resonic Users group on FB.

A user interface is like a joke: if you have to explain it, it's not that good.

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Re: Adding a "Rating" column to file list view

I use Media Monkey to play "other peoples music" and use the 5 star rating a lot as I have so much music that unless I mark a tune I like as soon as I hear it it will disappear into the miasma of terrabytes of hard disk space !

being able to mark from 1 to 5 in Resonic would be great !

Liqube Audio
Liqube Audio
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Re: Adding a "Rating" column to file list view

skylogic wrote:
May 5th, 2019, 18:17
I use Media Monkey to play "other peoples music" and use the 5 star rating a lot as I have so much music that unless I mark a tune I like as soon as I hear it it will disappear into the miasma of terrabytes of hard disk space !

being able to mark from 1 to 5 in Resonic would be great !
Definitely. This will appear as part of the database feature set, also a simple fave marking.
Join our Discord for chat and talk (not just Resonic related) and beta testing; or the Resonic Users group on FB.

A user interface is like a joke: if you have to explain it, it's not that good.

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