PostApril 7th, 2016, 13:11
Was more an observation of my habits than anything else
I still love it, its so fast & simple, I do use it for auditioning & deleting stuff, but my goodness having to flip back to explorer for loads of stuff kinda kills it and makes it a lot slower for me, I remember you saying that you would put that in there at some point, I did message you a few months ago, but hadn't received a reply, was re: if you had an update since the 22nd of dec one, or had you made any leeway on any of the basic functionality. I know you asked me to bare with you, it would be so handy day to day.
Respectfully, I think the problem is that I've seen a few announcements, which gets expectations going - all the "soon", "in a few weeks", "this will be next in the update" "all these new fangled features" & as much as I want to, stuff like that stops me from passing the word on as people I have done that with already (quite a few), have mentioned the same thing to me, "can't you do xxyy?" "where is xxxx?" & "never mind, let me know when/if it's ever done."
Of course these things take time, I think it pays to talk once they are done though, creates less expectation where people eventually start loosing interest.
It also doesn't satisfy that part of the brain, which is easily tricked into thinking the rewards have already been given.