Like the speed of the browser a lot!
Will take some time to learn the UI.
Creating 'Slices' - they have no end(?)

Trigger on the keyboard key, but any of them plays through the rest of the sample. Didn't find the answer in the help (yet, maybe).
Yes I saw 'Selections' - only two at a time? Convert 'Slices' to 'Selections'? Chopping samples looks clumsy at best...
E.g. -

- In Edison - auto slice (
if wanted) gives transient selections auto markered; or do manual markers (
just dbl-click + UI press).
Convert markers to regions (
Singles w/right click or script for all). Name them from menu. Assign root notes. Export regions.
SO, no offense

. I like the fast broad access to my large library. The editor eludes me thus far...