Awesome - nice list

A quick first test ran flawless, nice to have custom icons working even in bookmarks.
One thing that I think could be improved visually is the top of the application:
- The top area of the window-frame only contains "Resonic Beta 0.6.2" - I think it would make sense to show more information there, several audio apps I use do. For instance, the "Stop: Filename.wav 0:00" could be shown up there too, potentially freeing one full line in the GUI.
- I can't explain why, but I would prefer to see the file properties (Hz, Bit, mono...) below the waveform instead of on top (and if the filename etc. can't be shown in the title bar, it could be in the same line below the waveform). This would allow to remove another line from the top area and the waveform could be where it belongs (for me).
Then below it the properties, maybe even as (visual) part of the waveform display (centered?).
- I personally think the logo and name of the application could somehow be either more prominent or reduced - ATM it is somewhere in the middle, neither here nor there IMO, squashed in the right upper corner.
If the nice resonic-logo would be shown as application-icon in the top frame like it is for most apps (right now it looks like something else to me?) that would be taken care of in a reduced way, the name and version is in the window-header already.
If the logo is intended to be more prominent, a new place would need to be found IMO, since where it is right now is rather unattractive to my eye?
Bottom line: The slick GUI of Resonic is spoiled on top a bit for me by those two lines which feel somehow tacked on...
This always bothered me a bit visually, but of course is just my personal view.