Alpha 5127

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Liqube Audio
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Alpha 5127

Read the included instructions.txt and changelog.txt.

This is a work in progress of the complete core player rework. Let me know anything that's off, or feels weird.

Note that as usual this is a test build, i.e. not all features might work exactly as advertised.
(214 Bytes) Downloaded 256 times
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Re: Build 5127

Awesome! Good to see it, I will report my test results.

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Re: Build 5127

Great. Big thanks for the A-B repeat feature. Much appreciated and desperately waited for. Incredibly useful.

It works nicely on first trials. I have some suggestions to improve the handling - but I'd like to put it up for discussion. At the moment you have to click the A-B button to set the A and B points. So if your B point is on the far end of the timeline, it takes quite some mouse travel - back and forth to adjust the right B-point. Same applies to the A-point, of course.

How about this: After the A and B points are set, they can be modified by mouse dragging - I'd be fine with any kind of mouse dragging:
  • either by getting a double arrow on the vertical marker- point line
  • or by holding down the mouse button inside the loop area, then dragging over the vertical A-B loop edge (either side) and back again (further back in to shorten the loop) or releasing the mouse further out to extend the loop. In other words: You "fetch" the vertical line with the held-down mouse (from the inside of the loop), then shift the edge further out or further in (after fetching it with the mouse)
This would allow to fine-tune the points without having to start over to arrive at a well adjusted loop.
Last edited by Blues on September 23rd, 2013, 22:53, edited 1 time in total.

I'll think of more soon
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Re: Build 5127

Testing as we speak.

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Re: Build 5127

I agree with blues, and i found two bugs with this feature A-B. First when you remove the loop just before the player cursor pass the end of the loop, the player will be play the loop one time again.

Then if you want to loop at the first seconds of your sample, when i right-click on the waveform's sample because i don't want that resonic playing my sample. and i positionning my "A-point ". after that i choose my "B point" the "a-point" will be shifted.

I very like the "alt+scroll" 's feature, for browse my samples, it is very helpful that push a lot my down arrow of my keyboard

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Re: Build 5127

Ooooh, I still cannot access files in other folders in my network... :-(
Thanks anyway!
Will test other features.

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Re: Build 5127

Functions perfectly as designed. A-B works great even though I currently have no use for it yet, and I like that you made the volume percentage visible in text in the volume bar during mouseover. (and that it stays there for a few seconds afterwards too) Might want to make the text-based volume meter an "always on" option in the menu for people like me that have less than epic audio systems that perform best at certain percentage ranges for output to speakers. (laptop audio is lacking for the most part, can't even find an ASIO driver that works) For instance, my speakers have a decent hardware amp so I use them for my volume adjustments after getting exact percentages digitally to prevent clipping. (it tends to clip audio above 94% output levels on my soundcard, and putting it below about 76% tends to cut short the low end of the audio)

Keep it up, I'm hoping this will be the best player on the market in the semi-near future. (it's very close now as it is)
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Re: Build 5127

Agreed with Blues :
- A/B seems to work fine on first trial (win7 64bit).
- However, being able to move A/B point by mousedragging (or left/right clicking) would be even better.
I very like the "alt+scroll" 's feature, for browse my samples,
+ 1 :)

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Re: Build 5127

... by the way, i downloaded v5127, but it keeps saying "5126" in the upper Windows bar.

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Re: Build 5127

The new waveform is great, not all maxed out on trash metal for example.
The A-B feature is appreciated, but as some people suggested before, a mouse drag feature would make it more usable (but you probably already have that on your to-do list :)).
Overall the player feels even more light-weighted than before.

Nothing really buggy came up when I tested, but I'll report back when something comes to my attention.

Have a nice day!

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Re: Build 5127

Just so you know: I'm reading every single line, just cutting down on the number of replies a bit - so please keep reporting things you notice! Always appreciated.
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Re: Build 5127


Can the bitdepth be displayed in the browser (we already have Hz, Kbps, but no bitdepth - even if i understand that the less the bits, the lower the kbps) ?

Also, is it normal that, if i select several files, then right-click to process them using a context menu, it unselects everything ? (I must confess it is rather frustrating and a quite unusual behaviour :? )

Is it possible to delete samples (using right-click) ? I don't see that option in the right-click menu.
[edit] i found it : it is [ctrl+del] (why not just [del]?), and it is not labelled "erase" or "delete" but "recycle" ;)

Thank you

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Re: Build 5127

wshaper wrote:Can the bitdepth be displayed in the browser (we already have Hz, Kbps, but no bitdepth
I'll add that in one of the next builds, but I didn't get round to it because for some files I currently have to guess the bit depth.
even if i understand that the less the bits, the lower the kbps) ?
Just for uncompressed audio. kbps = kilobits per second, i.e. naturally lower for less bits because the sample size and thus the sample data per second is less.
Also, is it normal that, if i select several files, then right-click to process them using a context menu, it unselects everything ? (I must confess it is rather frustrating and a quite unusual behaviour :? )
It's a known bug, and indeed a frustrating one, especially when it comes to fixing it :/
Is it possible to delete samples (using right-click) ? I don't see that option in the right-click menu.
[edit] i found it : it is [ctrl+del] (why not just [del]?), and it is not labelled "erase" or "delete" but "recycle" ;)
A quick explanation:
"Delete" is what happens when you press SHIFT-DEL in Explorer, i.e. it permanently deletes the file.
"Recycle" is what happens when you press DEL in Explorer, i.e. file is moves to Recycler from where it can be restored. So Resonic always recycles files. I'll add an option for that later, or another shortcut. The user should be able to decide.
i found it : it is [ctrl+del] (why not just [del]?)
Because DEL is reserved for a feature called "mark for delete". It lets you toggle files to be deleted which then appear red and crossed out in the interface. These markings are permanently remembered. Marked files will appear in a separate list and can be batch-deleted later on. This is especially useful for sample management, or music archive cleanup.

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Re: Build 5127

Thank you for your explanation. The "mark for delete" feature should be very useful indeed.

I may have been biased when looking for delete (and "unfocused" by the right-click/unselect issue !), as when i saw "Recycle", i thought it was something related to Propellerhead's Recycle and REX format :)
English is not my native language, and while i know "recycle bin", my brain didn't "click" when i have read only "recycle" (while looking for "delete" or "erase". "move to recycle bin" would have been self-explanatory enough, though).
